Informational Sheets

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Purification - Standard Process

Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program

Health Effects of Vegetables and Fruit: Assessing Mechanisms of Action in Human Experimental Studies

Epidemiologic data support the association between high intake of vegetables and fruits and low risk of chronic disease.There are several biologically plausible reasons why consumption of vegetables and fruit might slow or prevent the onset of chronic diseases. Vegetables and fruit are rich sources of a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, trace minerals, and dietary fiber, and many other classes of biologically active compounds. These phytochemicals can have complementary and overlapping mechanisms of action, including modulation of detoxification enzymes, stimulation of the immune system, reduction of platelet aggregation, modulation of cholesterol synthesis and hormone metabolism, reduction of blood pressure, and antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral effects.....................................
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 70, No. 3, 475S-490S, September 1999

A Comprehensive Approach
The Purification Program provides comprehensive nutritional (Whole Food Complexes) and botanical (Herbal) support to maintain proper functioning of the various detoxification pathways. By incorporating the nutrients mentioned above, it is able to address both phase I and phase II detoxification pathways.

Gastrointestinal support for detoxification is provided by Whey Protein, Psyllium Husk Powder, Rice Bran, Beet Root, Carrot Root, Oat Fiber, and Apple Pectin. Vitamins and minerals and amino acids required in phase II reactions such as L-glutamine, L-lysine HCL, glycine, L-carnitine and taurine, also support detoxification. Furthermore, specific ingredients such as milk thistle, citrus bioflavonoids and spanish black radish have been shown to aid in various aspects of detoxification. Cruciferous vegetables provide sulfur metabolites, contain selenium, protect against reactive oxygen species, and induce phase II enzymes. Also toxin binding is assisted with modified apple pectin.

Standard Process Purification Program

SP Cleanse
A powerful combination of over 20 whole foods and botanicals that possess detoxifying properties. They contain nutrients which support the body’s natural efforts to remove toxins and other waste materials.
  • Encourages healthy kidney function
  • Supports blood purification processes & lymphatic system function
  • Encourages healthy gastrointestinal elimination
  • Promotes healthy liver detoxification functions
Contents and Actions:
  • Barley Grass Powder – Source of chlorophyll and other phytonutrients that support the antioxidant system and toxin removal. 
  • Spanish Black Radish Root - Increases the activity of glutathione, quinone, and thioredoxin – enzymes involved in phase II detox; Great source of phytonutrient antioxidants such as C complex – protection against free radicals.
  • Oregon Grape Root Powder - good source of antioxidants
  • Fenugreek Seed Powder - cholesterol metabolisms; improve glucose tolerance by delaying carbohydrate digestion and absorption while increasing insulin activity.
  • Juniper Berry Powder - natural diuretic; Essential oils that help the body excrete uric acid and other waste materials
  • Red Clover Flower - promotes cleansing of the blood
  • Apple Pectin - excellent source of natural fiber; Stimulate intestinal bacterial enzyme activity
  • Burdock Root Powder - Natural diuretic to support healthy elimination through the kidneys
  • Cayenne Pepper - Stimulate gastric secretions ; Supports liver detox by reducing oxidative stress; Reverses the depletion of glutathione in the liver
  • Milk Thistle – contain flavanoids that are free radical scavengers; Hepatorestorative and Hepatoprotective – protection against toxins
  • Globe Artichoke - Gallbladder and liver support; Support normal bile production and secretion; Globe Artichoke (Cynara) has a powerful effect on the production of bile and fat-digesting enzymes, stimulating liver functions and lowering cholesterol levels; Promotes digestion especially of fatty foods and normal bowel movement
  • Dandelion Leaves - Healthy fluid levels ; Stimulate healthy urinary flow
  • Tillandsia - Efficient chelating properties
  • Broccoli, Kale, Brussel Sprouts - Contains phytochemicals that stimulate enzymatic activity for liver detoxification processes; Improve cholesterol metabolism and decrease markers of oxidative stress; Brassica vegetables provide high amounts of vitamin C and soluble fiber and contain multiple nutrients with potent cancer preventing properties: 3,3'-Diindolylmethane, sulforaphane and selenium
  • Carrot Root Powder - Carrots contains a very complete nutrition to provide our body the essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals; source of B-vitamins, such as folic acid, a group of vitamin B, which has good effect to fight against free radicals (substances that cause cancer) in our body; source of Carotenoids, which can inversely affect insulin resistance and thus lower blood sugar.
SP Complete
A nutritional shake mix combining over 20 different whole foods ingredients to support the body during purification, as well as every day for a well-balanced diet.
  • Provides multiple nutrient in a highly bio-available form
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Encourages healthy nervous system function
  • Delivers strong antioxidant protection to promote cellular health
  • Supports healthy digestive system function
  • Supports healthy liver function
Contents and Actions:
  • Whey Protein - high in minerals & nutrients that offer a particularly high quality source of protein
  • Buckwheat - rich in rutin that helps to support vascular walls
  • Barley grass - rich in Chlorophyll which assists in the natural cleansing of impurities from the blood
  • Alfalfa - contains saponins which support healthy blood
  • Brown rice - contains a concentrated amount of B-complex vitamins to support healthy nerves & proper brain function
  • Grape Seed & Red Wine Extracts - bio-available sources of antioxidants
  • Kale & Brussels Sprouts - high in fiber, Indoles, minerals, and vitamins A, C, & E complexes
  • Flax Meal Powder - contains soluble/insoluble fibers and provides a healthy dose of plant lignans assisting in immune function & inhibit abnormal cell growth
  • Carrot Root Powder - Carrots contains a very complete nutrition to provide our body the essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals; source of B-vitamins, such as folic acid, a group of vitamin B, which has good effect to fight against free radicals (substances that cause cancer) in our body; source of Carotenoids, which can inversely affect insulin resistance and thus lower blood sugar.
Provides dietary fiber from botanical and other whole food sources, delivering powerful support to the gastrointestinal system and helping detoxify the body.
  • Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract
  • Encourages a healthy intestinal environment
  • Supports & maintain gastrointestinal lining
  • Stimulates proper gastric juice flow & peristalsis
  • Maintains regular intestinal evacuation
  • Enhances the cleansing activities of the liver
Contents and Actions:
  • Psyllium (husk) Powder - natural diuretic/stool softener; high in soluble fiber 
  • Collinsonia (root) Powder - promotes cleansing of the blood
  • Apple Pectin - excellent source of natural fiber
  • Fennel Seed - supports digestive environment & gastric healing
  • Fenugreek Seed Powder - healthy digestion & cholesterol metabolism
Whole Food Fiber

Combines six (6) whole food ingredients that play a vital role in the health of the intestinal tract.
  • Contains more insoluble fiber which creates a feeling of fullness
  • Encourages healthy intestinal bacteria growth
  • Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract
  • Promotes healthy blood glucose and lipid levels
  • Enhances the cleansing activities of the liver
  • Provides phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids
Contents and Actions:
  • Rice Bran - regulates healthy elimination with antioxidant qualities
  • Beet Root - protects from free radical damage
  • Carrot Root - aids in normal elimination
  • Oat Fiber - enhances the growth of “good” bacteria in the intestines
  • Apple Pectin - excellent source of natural fiber, aids in digestion and healthy bowel elimination
SP Green Food
Contains five (5) organically grown whole food concentrates providing nutrients to help detoxify the liver and support the immune system.
  • Provides vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, & other phytochemicals from natural, whole-food sources to promote nutritional balance.
  • Supports healthy physical, mental, & emotional development.
  • Supplies aggressive antioxidant protection to help maintain cellular health & stability.
  • Assists with liver detoxification & promote the consistent removal of cellular debris.
Contents and Actions:
  • Buckwheat Juice Powder - natural diuretic/stool softener; high in soluble fiber
  • Barley Grass Juice Powder - promotes cleansing of the blood
  • Brussels Sprout Powder - excellent source of natural fiber
  • Kale Powder - supports digestive environment & gastric healing
  • Alfalfa Sprout Powder - healthy digestion & metabolism

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