Informational Sheets

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Digestive Restoration: A Simple Plan

Digestive health is the ability to break down, absorb and use nutrients, and to eliminate waste products from our food and beverages in a way that optimizes health and vitality. The better your digestive health is, the better your overall health is. It is your first line of defense against toxins and infections from harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. It is a critical part of our immune system. Not to mention that when our digestive system isn't functioning properly we experience heartburn, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, constipation/diarrhea and other symptoms that are uncomfortable, unpredictable and embarrassing.

While, as you follow the plan outlined below, you should begin seeing some fairly immediate improvements, you should commit to following this plan closely for at least 3 months in order give your system an opportunity to significantly begin to heal.

First, here are a few DON’Ts:
  • Immediately eliminate all fried foods, period. Absolutely none during this healing time.
  • For the time being, avoid dairy products, including milk, ice cream, and soft cheese. You MAY eat real high quality butter, yoghurt and hard cheeses.
  • Immediately eliminate all high gluten foods – wheat, barley, rye, and oats. No bagels! No cookies. No boxed cereals. No breads. No oatmeal. You MAY eat whole grain rice and millet. At the end of 3 months, it may be possible for you to occasionally eat gluten foods. But only try them out gradually and occasionally until your digestive system is completely healed.
  • Eliminate ALL processed simple carbohydrates and sugars. No cookies, cakes, pies, or the like for the time being. No soft drinks or processed/packaged fruit juices. You MAY eat limited amounts of raw honey and fructose. No “high fructose corn syrup” which is mostly sucrose.
  • Eliminate alcohol.
  • eat plenty of greens, vegetables and fruits, cooked or raw. [Hold off on very much raw initially until you digestive system gets calmed down enough to handle the fiber. Increase raw fruits and vegetables gradually.]
  • eat good soups, especially good home made vegetable soups. Home made soups with real chicken or beef broth made from boiling down the meat and bones, plus fresh vegetables cooked down in the broth, are rich in good fats, essential fatty acids, and fat soluble vitamins that are restorative to the digestive track.
  • eat good clean fish – salmon, perch, cod, etc. These are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are essential to the healing of the intestines and colon.
  • rest and get adequate (or extra) sleep during this healing period.
  • laugh as much as possible. This release endorphins into the blood stream that are natural relaxers and pain relievers. [Endorphins are complex hormones that are 10 times more powerful than morphine.] Endorphins are also involved in the regulation of contractions of the intestinal wall.
  • get exercise several times per week, like walking, swimming, bike riding, weight lifting.
  • listen to classical music and meditate. This has a natural relaxing effect on the digestive track.
  • drink plenty of clean water
The Plan
We’re going to start off gently and build up over the course of several days.

This is your Basic Regimen:
4 Cyrofood tablets
1 Scoop Whole Food Fiber
1 Prosynbiotic
1 Enzycore
2 Zypan
2 Omega 3 Tuna Oil
2 SP Green Food

Go to to see more on these products.

• On the first two days, take this basic regimen one time each day – such as at dinner time.
• On the third and fourth days, take the basic regimen two times – such as in the morning and at supper.
• Beginning on the fifth day, start taking the basic regimen three times per day – morning, noon, and night – and continue at this level for at least 60 days.

If you are not seeing significant improvement by the end of the first 2 weeks, you may need to add mor digestive support - either Enzycore and/or Zypan.

At the end of 60 days, if you have made significant improvement, try cutting back by one round per day – that is, try cutting back from 3 rounds to 2.

Also, at the end of 60 days, now that your digestive system is healing and getting stronger, I’d like to see you start using the basic health building program – Energizing Whey Pro and/or SP Complete along with your digestive regimen – if you are not already doing so.

What the Supplements do:

SP Whole Food Fiber
Whole Food Fiber is a good source of fiber from nutrient-rich whole foods.

Proprietary Blend: 6 grams
Oat fiber, beet fiber, rice (bran), carrot (root), beet (root), apple pectin, and carrot fiber.
  • Contains both soluble and insoluble fiber Supports healthy bowel function
  • Promotes regular intestinal motility and elimination
  • Supports healthy epithelial cells in the bowel
  • Provides food for beneficial micro-organisms in the lower gastrointestinal tract
  • Contains nutrients which support the immune system.
  • Delivers live culture of the “good” bacteria directly to the colon.
  • Contains research supported strains of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii.
  • Contains inulin, a non-digestible, soluble fiber from chicory root and galactooligosaccharide (GOS), a non-digestible carbohydrate, both of which are used by probiotic bacteria as food.
  • Useful in maintaining a healthy gut microbial environment.
  • Improves nutrient digestion/absorption.
  • Supports normal bowel regularity and consistency.
  • Supports the body's natural immune response.
Enzycore is a comprehensive blend of microbial enzymes and whole food ingredients designed to support healthy digestion and maximize nutrient absorption.
  • Provides natural plant-derived enzymes necessary for proper digestion.
  • Helps eliminate digestive stresses like lactose intolerance and legume sensitivity.
  • Improves overall digestion.
  • Supplies a comprehensive blend of enzymes that break down protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
  • Includes bromelain, an enzyme complex from pineapple stems and juice that helps break down protein.
  • Includes l-glutamine, an amino acid used as a building block for other amino acids; also provides energy to cells with high energy needs (like those in the intestines).
Provides kale and beet powder to support healthy digestion.

Vegetarian Enzyme Blend: 46mg
Acid maltase (1MaltU), alpha-galactosidase (45 GalU), amylase (1,800 DU), bromelain (32,880 FCCPU), glucoamylase (3 AGU), invertase (170 SU), lactase (325 ALU), lipase (230 FIP), peptidase (820 HUT), protease 3.0 (3 SAPU), protease 4.5 (4,930 HUT), protease 6.0 (1,640 HUT).

Proprietary Blend: 395 mg
L-glutamine, kale (whole plant), and beet (root)

  • Supports gastrointestinal pH.
  • Provides enzymatic support for protein digestion.
  • Zypan combines pancreatin, pepsin, and betaine hydrochloride to facilitate healthy digestion.
Proprietary Blend: 700mg
Betaine hydrochloride, pancreas Cytosol™ extract, pancreatin (3x), fatty acid, pepsin (1:10,000), ammonium chloride, bovine spleen, and ovine spleen.

Omega 3 Tuna Oil
Provides essential fatty acids that are calming and healing to then digestive track. Tuna Omega-3 Oil delivers essential omega-3 fatty acids (including EPA (60mg) and DHA (300mg)).

  • Natural profile of tuna oil; not concentrated.
  • Supports normal lipid profile.
  • Supports the body's natural inflammatory response.
  • Provides antioxidants.
  • Sustainably sourced and dolphin friendly.
  • Third-party tested for environmental contaminants.
  • Supports cognition.
  • DHA is important for proper fetal eye and brain development.
  • Supports the nutritional needs of the mother and baby during lactation.
  • Supports healthy skin/hair health.
  • Supports emotional balance.
Provides nutrients important to the healing and restoration of the digestive system, especially vitamins A and D and the entire complex of B vitamins, in a very easily assimilated form.

Proprietary Blend: 700 mg
Carrot (root), nutritional yeast, defatted wheat (germ), date (fruit) powder, oat flour, bovine bone, bovine adrenal, rice (bran), veal bone, bovine spleen, ovine spleen, bovine kidney, bovine liver, mushroom, dried alfalfa (whole plant) juice, dried pea (vine) juice, soybean lecithin, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin A palmitate, riboflavin, cocarboxylase, and cholecalciferol.

SP Green Food
  • A rich source of trace minerals important to health.
  • Helps neutralize excess acidity in the body.
  • Soothes and helps heal the digestive system.
  • Helps detoxifies the body and bowels.
Proprietary Blend: 480 mg
Brussels sprout (whole plant) powder, kale (whole plant) powder and alfalfa (sprout) powder.

What to Expect:
Expect your body to begin a general house cleaning. As the body is pulling toxins out of the liver and fatty tissue of the body, those toxins can cause temporary effects like mild headaches, low energy, minor aches, etc. Keep in mind that the body is trying to eliminate the garbage. When the “bad” bacteria begin to die off, they release methane gas. Adding Zymex wafers helps the bowel to release built up pockets of gas. So if you experience increased gas and flatulence, this is a sign that good things are happening. Expect gas and bloating. It will eventually decrease and disappear.

If you are not already using the following, at the end of the first 60 days, you should add (if you are already using them, continue):

** Immuplex

** Livaplex

** Folic Acid B12

Immuplex will help you build up your overall health and immunity.

The Livaplex will help restore normal liver functioning and bile flow. It will further detoxify the liver and remove excess bile, which will help the gallbladder.

Folic Acid B12 helps reduce Homocysteine.


1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on restore stomach acid
