Informational Sheets

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Page Diet - Eating Frequency and Supplemmentation

Eat smaller amounts more frequently Eating a smaller amount reduces the stress of digestion on your energy supply. Eating small meals conserves energy. Give your energy generator a chance to keep up with digestion by not overwhelming it when you eat a large meal. Avoid overwhelming your body with too much to do at one time. If you don’t digest your food – indigestion, yeast overgrowth, gas, inflammation, food reactions, etc. result.

Another reason for eating smaller meals is to prevent the ups and downs of your blood sugar level so you end up craving less sugar. As mentioned earlier, you can overwhelm your digestive capacity. You can also overwhelm your body’s ability to handle sugar in the blood. Since the body will not (or should not) allow the blood sugar level to get too high, insulin and other hormones are secreted to lower the blood sugar. Often times, the insulin response is too strong and within a short period of time insulin has driven the blood sugar level down. As a result of the now low blood sugar, you get a powerful craving for sugar or other carbohydrates. You then usually overeat, and the cycle of up and down, yo-yo blood sugar results. Eating a small meal will virtually stop this cycle.

Eating smaller meals also has advantages for your immune response to ingested food. It turns out that a small amount of food enters the blood without first going through the normal digestive pathway through the liver. As a result, this food is seen by the body not as nourishment but as a threat and you will stimulate an immune reaction. Normally, a small immune reaction is not even noticed, but if a large amount of food (or if a food is eaten over and over again), the immune reaction can cause symptoms. Over time, disease develops.

By eating smaller amount, the size of the reaction that occurs is small and inconsequential. A large meal, and thus a large assault of the immune system, could cause many symptoms of an activated immune system including fatigue, joint aches, flu-like symptoms, headaches, etc. This reaction was called the Metabolic Rejectivity Syndrome by the late nutritional pioneer, Arthur L. Kaslow, M.D. Through thousands of his patients’ food diaries, he compiled a list of high-risk foods that is much the same as Dr. Page’s. Dairy and wheat products were at the top of his list.

I realize that eating five smaller meals is not always practical. After all, you do have a life. One concern with eating your meals too far apart is you may tend to get too hungry and overeat when you do get a chance to eat. A small (healthy) snack between the main meals of the day is like an ounce of prevention. If you’re an individual who says "once I start eating, I can’t stop," then you will most likely require additional help with nutritional supplementation, at least initially.

In reviewing the many diets used all over the world, there are pros and cons to each. For example, the vegetarian diet tends to minimize tissue degeneration but may not support tissue rejuvenation due to a lack of complete protein and fats found primarily in animal products. The major concern I have had with the Page program is that most people do not eat enough vegetables and therefore do not get adequate amounts of minerals. Since the fats and proteins tend to promote acid production in the body, it is very important to get enough alkalizing minerals to buffer the acid load. For this reason, minerals that are specific to your needs should be taken to get you healthy…

Final Note:
When in doubt, don’t eat it. If it isn’t on the list, wait and ask the doctor or nutritionist. The diet plan is designed to help you to optimal health just as it has for tens of thousands of
Dr. Page’s patients, many of whom are in their later years without signs of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, etc. The Page Diet is not intended to make you suffer or sacrifice, in fact quite the opposite. As you attain balanced body chemistry, you will be delighted with the physical and emotional improvements you experience from the food your body was designed to run on optimally. And what you eat or drink at the occasional party or evening out is not going to be significantly harmful to your nutritional balance in the long run, so enjoy it.

Lastly, as with all things that are beneficial to your health, it’s hard to start, but the longer you use this diet, the greater the benefits that you will realize from it.


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